Click It for
Quick Trips
Colorado Department of Transportation
In Colorado, the state trails the national average of seat belt usage of 90% by nearly 4%. Adding to the fire, 14% of people surveyed in Colorado said they didn’t use their seatbelts. While drivers were more likely to wear their seatbelts on long drives where one may think accidents would happen, over 85% of drivers reported not wearing their seatbelts in distances less than 2 miles away from their home. Even worse, 52% of accidents happen within a 5 mile radius one’s home, and 69% within 10 miles. Sounds like a recipe for a disaster.
CDOT tasked us with creating a campaign that reminds drivers that most car crashes happen near one’s home, and that no matter the distance, seat belts save lives. As a result, we created the “click it for quick trips” campaign, which highlights surreal vehicle crashes with items that you might run down the street for, hammering home the idea that over 50% of crashes happen close to home.
Disciplines: advertising, art direction, photography, design, OOH, experiential
agency: amelie company
art director/photographer: daniel alfonzo
creative director: eric hines
associate creative director (copy): cecil bozard